it's all disobedient here

lovingly judgment & agenda-free sticker tools for self-guided practice, discovery & mapping. apparel to come.

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  • I expect

    Taking a few minutes to lay out my expectations in the face of challenging or beautiful circumstances helps me get prepared, specific, considerate; this sticker helps with just that.

    Considering expectations 
  • any notebook can become a planner

    We love these linen sticker tab stickers that easily transform any notebook into a monthly planner or diary. The best part is being able to apply them exactly when & where in a notebook the transition happens. No more wasted pages or working to conserve space to make a pre-fabbed system "work".

    see all the colors 
  • Orbiting

    We do a lot of thinking over in these parts. A lot of thinking but also a lot of reading, talking, considering, spinning, imagining, connecting...

    We made this sticker as a way to put the thoughts in the air in orbit with one another simply, even when the concepts we're connecting might not be so simple.

    Check out the sticker